Category Archives: Travels

Cairo you say?

Here’s a diddie update!

After dad left I spent a night back on the [[kibbutz]] and then headed up to stay with Maia’s family on Kibbutz Evron. There was loads of fun =] We did Seder with 600 people and lots of singing the first night, and then with family from around Israel the second. The day after that I went down to [[Jerusalem]] to meet Eli, and went straight from there to [[Eilat]] and then over to [[Jordan]] and up to [[Petra]] – so I was travelling from 3.30 am till 6pm! We found a hostel and the next day went to see Petra – which is amazing!

Met a great couple that evening whilst looking for a cab share to Wadi Rum – a really amazing bit of desert – and ended up sharing their rented car and camping with them in the desert. The next day started with coffee and a 4 hour hike through the dunes and rocks back to Rum village where the car (and more water) was waiting – with two tires nicely flattened and nailed by the local kids; the local engineer fixed it for us though.

Then Eli and I went to [[Aqaba]], and got a ferry over to Egypt! Followed by a really, really long night bus to [[Cairo]].

We’ve been here now a couple of days, it’s the most amazing city – an indescribable balagan of people, cars and salesmen. Saw the pyramids (the pyramids!) today, went inside one of them, lots of cool stuff =]

Probably going back to Israel in the next few days, to do some volunteering and a bit of living in Jerusalem!

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Life after Ulpan, Bombs in Haifa and Roni has a job!

Hello! Rob sent me an email and I wrote him a proper reply, so here’s an extract from my latest work “An email to Rob”.

Went to Megedo today, which is where the [[Armageddon]] is supposed to be happening! (Armageddonย is actually from the words Har Megedo, which means Megedo mountain!). Swam in the [[dead sea]] the other day, climbed [[Masada]] (up the Roman path!) ๐Ÿ™‚ This country is full of amazing things to do!

I have a few days left of the [[ulpan]]! I finish on Thursday, and dad’s coming on Friday. Then we’re travelling for a little over a week. The rest is a bit of a haze of going to [[Petra]] (in [[Jordan]]), camping a few nights on the [[Kineret]] and spending time with Maia’s family for [[Pesach]]. On the 16th I start volunteering on a farm up north for two weeks, and I just heard today about another place in the [[Negev]] helping to build an eco-building (or something similar) on a place who get eggs from their own chickens, milk form their goats, grow their own vegetables and recommend you take a tent with if you don’t want to sleep in the open!

After that, nothings fixed (not that any of that was fixed!). I would like it to include some time in [[Sweden]], followed by a week in [[Holland]] before getting a bus back to [[London]] sometime in June or July!

I had no idea Roni was doing a paper round! The police found 6-7 bombs in [[Haifa]] the other day. Nothing exploded, but they’re pretty sure they came from [[East Jerusalem]] (which means they’re Palestinian). (Don’t panic)


Wuhay! (Still Alive and going to IDF Book Camp Gadna)

Wuhay! Still here!

Going to [[Jerusalem]] next week to stay with Illy for a few days.

Did I mention that? I forget..

Apparently in January we’re going to IDF Boot Camp for a week! There’s a base near the [[kibbutz]] and… yeah.. should be interesting ๐Ÿ™‚

Missing you all, etc etc


A weekend in Evron, and back to Ein Hashofet

Just got back from being at [[kibbutz]] Evron for the weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ It was good! Hopefully going to Jer next weekend!

It rained today. Every time I leave the country you get snow!

On Skype no good time to get me, I’m only online a few minutes a day here (and loving it!) but you can call me any time after 2.30 London time any day by calling 02033553172 or 08448615959 and when it asks my number is 009725xxxxxxxx. I don’t think 0203 is free in the evening, probably not.

Hebrew is going good! Learning lots, collecting verbs etc!

I liked Evron, would have been better with some company though! So.. you guys should come ๐Ÿ˜‰ How it compares to other Kibbutzim? Well I can only compare it to [[Ein Hashofet]] which I think is quite opposite!

Ein Hashofet is more communal. Ein Hashofet is in the middle of nowhere… Evron… isn’t! The pub was a lot bigger and busier, which probably has something to do with the city so close by, we get the odd person from Haifa or another nearby kibbutz (theres 3 or 4 within about 8km) but for the most part it’s just kibbutzniks. The Dining Room is the same – though from what I gather they’re all the same!

Jer is the only way I can write [[Jerusalem]] without looking it up or spelling it wrong ๐Ÿ™‚
