Here’s a diddie update!
After dad left I spent a night back on the [[kibbutz]] and then headed up to stay with Maia’s family on Kibbutz Evron. There was loads of fun =] We did Seder with 600 people and lots of singing the first night, and then with family from around Israel the second. The day after that I went down to [[Jerusalem]] to meet Eli, and went straight from there to [[Eilat]] and then over to [[Jordan]] and up to [[Petra]] – so I was travelling from 3.30 am till 6pm! We found a hostel and the next day went to see Petra – which is amazing!
Met a great couple that evening whilst looking for a cab share to Wadi Rum – a really amazing bit of desert – and ended up sharing their rented car and camping with them in the desert. The next day started with coffee and a 4 hour hike through the dunes and rocks back to Rum village where the car (and more water) was waiting – with two tires nicely flattened and nailed by the local kids; the local engineer fixed it for us though.
Then Eli and I went to [[Aqaba]], and got a ferry over to Egypt! Followed by a really, really long night bus to [[Cairo]].
We’ve been here now a couple of days, it’s the most amazing city – an indescribable balagan of people, cars and salesmen. Saw the pyramids (the pyramids!) today, went inside one of them, lots of cool stuff =]
Probably going back to Israel in the next few days, to do some volunteering and a bit of living in Jerusalem!
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