Oh if you could see the sight I can see! I’m glad in many ways to not have a camera which would make a feeble attempt at capturing it. I am sat outside a cafe (With a coffee and a book) overlooking what I think is [[Frankfurt]]‘s central square.
In front of me in a relatively simple yet ornate off-white and pale red church. To my right is an ugly yet some how attractive concrete museum with pillars of ivy attempting to hide the blackening grey. Behincd the church the wonders unfold! A 6 story timber framed pointy building of deep browns and rich reds crossing over bright whites, perforated by dark windows twinkling with lights from inside. All topped off by steep slate grey roofs towering above the sloping cobbled square below.
Draps of people and snakes of tour groups slide past, high heels struggling on the aged stones heading to the designer shops who poke their noses into the square from the north.
I arrived in this most wonderous of cities at 2am this morning. My first impressions? Let’s start with second as I spent the first 30 minutes wandering around the red light district looking for the hostel mentioned in my book. Big, quiet and cheap enough (considering it included breakfast) the hostel that is.. I’m not sure ‘Dolly Dreams’ provided breakfast and clean sheets.
I picked up a prepaid German SIM and have exchanged a few texts with Nicole, my couch in [[Lohr Am Main]], and spoken to David. The plan up until a few minutes ago was to probably not see Rothenburg but to speed to Berlin and meet David on Friday.
However… I just met a guy from [[Wützburg]] (Alex) who took his Indonesian friend (Albert) there and they have rekindled my desire!
This coffee is so good, and only 2€ I have ordered another!
I saw a sign last night saying “All You Can Eat Sushi”. Wow! I’m going there! Can I find it today? Nay! So Breakfast #2, (after Tomato, Cucumber and very nice rolls with Jam at the hostel) was Humous and bread on a bench by the [[River Main]]. Next to a bridge with a boat hanging underneath it… No idea…!
I have a little stir fry left and I’ll be cooking at Nicoles tonight, but I may have to buy some soon! (I never did find that sushi bar). Anyway, my fingers are cold and Frankfurt is calling!