The decision is now with the Mayor of London
If you’d like to object to the planning application to build on the Copthall Fields (please do!) this is what you need to do, since Barnet (narrowly) approved it – it’s now with the mayor.
Click here to open your email client with the below details pre-filled.
Send your email:
CC: Andrew Dismore <[email protected]>
Subject: Objection to planning application Ref: 16/6662/FUL Hasmonean High School 2-4 Page Street London NW7 2EU
Body: In the body explain why you’re against.
Email Body Tips
Format your email body like this:
- A nice formal greeting. “To whom it may concern” or “Dear All”
- A sentence or two about who you are and your connection to the field. (e.g. a local resident, someone who explores London’s green spaces etc).
- List your reasons for objecting (only some things can be considered – pick them from the document below).
- Thank them for their time, and perhaps say you’re looking forward to their decision.
- Sign off with your full name and address (required, without your name and address the objection can’t be used).
You can only object on certain grounds, use this easy guide to see what you can object based on. You don’t need to write much, just mention why you’re objecting.
Do this soon! The mayor only has another week or so to respond.
Share this page with anyone you know who would value keeping places like this available to the public. Talk to your friends and neighbours.
Contact the local group of residents to see how you can help further: